
DIY Dog Food: Chicken and Watermelon Power Bowl | Chewy Eats

Want to learn how to make homemade dog food? You are barking up the right tree! Try this yummy chicken and watermelon power bowl power bowl healthy homemade dog food recipe. Making dog food is easy with our tutorial, just follow these simple steps. For this diy dog food recipe, start with water and The Honest Kitchen Grain-Free Chicken Recipe Dehydrated Dog Food that is made without GMOs. The Honest Kitchen Dehydrated Dog Food has moderate calories and protein for adult and senior dogs with sensitive stomachs. For the perfect base to your home cooked dog food recipe, pour Tylee’s Chicken Recipe into a seperate bowl and layer The Honest Kitchen mixture on top. Spread a layer of plain greek yogurt on top and top off your homemade dog food with cubes of watermelon. Don’t forget to remove the seeds for delicious and safe home cooked dog food! This healthy homemade dog food recipe includes human grade dog food to help with dog nutrition to keep your dog happy and healthy. Learning how to make dog food at home will give your dog some variety and is helpful if your dog will not eat. A healthy homemade dog food recipe will also allow you to make dog food tailored to your dog’s specific needs. At, you can find a variety of dog foods, including dehydrated dog food, to suit your dog’s diet and make more homemade food for dogs. Let us know if your furry friend enjoyed your DIY dog food! Bon A-pet-treat!

You can also find more delicious healthy dog food recipes, including how to make homemade dog treats, on our Chewy Eats playlist!

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