
Quick and Easy Dessert Recipes
Quick and Easy Dessert Recipes

when my financial situation was getting bleak. I knew people liked desserts, but I had no idea a picture of a pie on Facebook could generate extra income for me. These pies were just something I made to bring to a family or friends get-together. I had no intention of selling these no bake cheesecakes at all. I gave the pies out as a gift at my friend’s parties. I began to notice something about the reaction of those who ate them.Quick and Easy Dessert Recipes

There was always a reaction like “who made these pies?” People always asked if I sold them, but I just wrote it off. I mean these were the pies I grew up eating as a kid that my mom made. All I did was add a couple of extra ingredients, made them look pretty, and brought them to get-togethers and parties. It wasn’t until I brought 6 pies to a get-together and made $100 in sales selling four of them that I considered making extra income selling this childhood dessert. Quick and Easy Dessert Recipes

In this E-book I will give you the entire blueprint I have used to make extra money selling no bake cheesecakes. This is not a get rich quick informational product. The amount of effort you put into this is what you will get out of it. You will get the recipes and their variations. You have the option to use these recipes for profit or to have great tasting pies for yourself, family and friends. The recipes start on the next page so let’s get right to them.

Quick and Easy Dessert Recipes


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