
How To Make a Lemon & Lime Green Smoothie — Green Smoothie Recipe

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Zac creates a citrus-heavy green smoothie that’s packed with nutrition and is sure to give you one hell of a buzz right away. Not for the faint of heart.

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Here’s the full transcript:

All right guys. I’m back again making a green smoothie. This time we’re going to make a bit more of an intermediate to advanced level green smoothie. All right, so it’s going to be less fruit and more dark leafy greens, not vegetables. All right, so we’re going to start off with a fruit, pineapple. And pineapple has high levels of bromaline [SP] in it. It’s an anti-inflammatory for bad joints. Also the core of the pineapple is about 100 percent fiber. So, getting fiber into your diet is very easy, so two slices of pineapple.

Now, with the lemon and lime there’s four times the amount Vitamin C on the skin than on the inside of the lemon, so it’s optional. You can take all the skin off, leaving as much of it as you can or leaving the skin on is fine too. It changes the taste just a little bit, but you’re getting more Vitamin C. So, whole lemon in there. Same thing with the lime. You know, either cut it up, leave it on. Just throw it in. Some mango. Mango is one of my favorites. So good at summer time. The skin, it’s up to you. So, you can put it in if you like. Tasty.

Then we’re going to put in some coriander, okay? So, coriander’s great for helping allergies particularly. It’s also really important if you’re wanting to get heavy metals out of your diet. So, things like deodorants, brown cans, particular brands out there will have titanium in the ingredients and that’s a heavy metal. When it’s in our body, our body can’t digest that and it stores it in our body. It’s very unhealthy for us, so things like coriander can help get that out of our system. So, that’s about a handful of coriander and we’re going to put in the other dark leafy greens, baby kale and baby spinach. Put as much as you want of that in as you like.

Now you see here it’s about 50, 50. So, we’ve got 50 percent fruits, 50 percent dark leafy greens, you know, and the less fruit you put in the better. Okay? The less sugar the better. Sometimes I can go up to 90 percent dark leafy greens and just 10 percent fruit. So, look I’m thinking we might need some more lemon in here. Whoops. Get our Vitamin C hit of the day. Put the skin in, why not? Chuck it in.

Now, ginger. Ginger’s great for like any upset stomachs and tummies, so we’re going to put a bit of that in as well and some ice. Just keeps it cooler for longer. On with the lid. All right, there we go. All right, very smooth. All the pineapple, lemon, lime. All right, get in that. Get into it. So, there’s lemons and limes in there. They obviously are going to jump out at you, but that pineapple kind of balances it down and that mango. You cannot even taste the mango, but put more mango in if you like.



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