
Harvest Walnuts in the village! – Delicious traditional dessert recipes with fresh walnuts

That sounds wonderful! Here are a few traditional dessert recipes using fresh walnuts:

Walnut Baklava: Layer phyllo pastry sheets with a mixture of ground walnuts, sugar, and cinnamon. Bake until golden brown and crispy, then pour over a honey syrup.

Walnut Halva: Cook a mixture of ground walnuts, sugar, and water until thickened, then pour into a greased pan to cool and set. Cut into squares and serve.

Walnut Cookies: Mix chopped walnuts into a cookie dough made from flour, butter, sugar, and egg. Shape into cookies and bake until golden brown.

Walnut Cake: Add chopped walnuts to a basic cake batter, then bake in a pan. Once cooled, you can frost it with a cream cheese frosting or simply dust with powdered sugar.

Walnut Pralines: Cook sugar and water until caramelized, then stir in chopped walnuts. Drop spoonfuls onto a greased surface and let them cool and harden.

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