
Fried chicken crispier than KFC! (Super-simple recipe)

– 500g of chicken wings and 500g of chicken legs
– 4 tbsp of salt
– 2 tbsp of sugar
– Pepper
– 200g of flour(7 floz)
– 100 of corn starch(3.5 floz)
– 1 tbsp of Chili powder
– 1 tbsp of garlic powder
– 1 tbsp of baking powder
– 2 eggs
– oil, water

1. 500g of chicken wings and 500g of chicken legs should be properly washed
2. season with two tablespoons each of salt, sugar, and pepper and marinate for about 30~60 minutes
3. Add 200g of flour, 100g of corn starch, 2 teaspoons each of salt, 1 teaspoon each of chili powder, garlic powder, and baking powder, pepper
(More chili powder makes it taste better, but this is still fine if you want to eat with kids)
(And curry powder is a fantastic addition)
4. After removing 10 spoons of what is in the bowl
5. Add two eggs and 100mL of water
6. Coat it first with an egg batter, then with a flour batter
7. Make a pinch shape out of the dough like this. Fries cooked in this manner will be much crispier
8. frying it for 11 minutes at 170 degrees(338 F)

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